Come along to the village hall to commemorate the 80th anniversary of VE day. Bring your own picnic and blanket for a social afternoon to come together celebrating this event. Cakes and Refreshments. All welcome.
Returning again for your Spring and Summer wear, designer and high street fashion at discounted prices. Come and grab a bargain.
Tickets £5 on the door, bar and refreshments. Come and join in, Pickleball Monday 3-5. Relaxed social atmosphere, great exercise, refreshments. £3 per session
Sunday 10th August 1-4 village hall and playing field. Something for everyone, music, games, table top sales and crafts, fun dog show, stalls, pre loved clothes and books, Ice cream, cream teas, burgers, bar and much, much more. Fun for all the family and a great day out. Do come along. donations for raffle prizes, bric a brac, books and pre loved clothes would be greatly appreciated. Please bring along to social evenings or contact one of the VH team, thank you.
And gardeners of Binham and Cockthorpe, can you help by planting some seeds now for plant donations for our fete plant stall. Any offerings will be greatly appreciated. Further info from Anne Hooper or any VH committee member. Our village Social Evenings for 2025 are held on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm.
The next is on Thursday 27th February. Board Games, pool, Table Tennis, bar, snacks and Jacket Potatoes. |